Why Is It Important to Learn How to Be Productive?
If you want to find answers to the question ‘How to Be Productive?’ you’ve come to the right place. In today’s blog post, I’ll share what are my top 30 productivity tips that help me stay consistent and organized.
Just like any other person alive, there were times when I felt highly unproductive. Times when I just wanted to lay in bed and scroll through my social media. I was perfectly aware of the fact that simple and not-that-simple tasks are desperately calling my name.
Luckily, after taking the steps towards shifting my lifestyle and my mindset, I’ve come to realize how important it is to be organized. I’ve acquired some amazing daily habits that literally changed my life. It was hard at the beginning, but with time, I got used to each one of them.
Okay, except the first one. We’re having a kind of a love-hate relationship.
When you become productive and consistent, everything will be so much easier. You’ll have time for yourself, you won’t be overwhelmed with tasks every day of the week, and most importantly, you’ll feel so proud of achieving all of your goals for each day!
All in all, if you want to be more productive, you need to acquire some everyday habits that will help you organize your time better. When you get used to these habits, you’ll not only complete everything with ease, but you’ll also have a lot of free time. You’ll be able to do the things you love, and to spend time with your favorite people every single day!
Fasten your seatbelts and get ready to find out what are my 30 highly effective productivity hacks.
How to Be Productive: 30 Genius Productivity Tips
- Wake up early
As I’ve already mentioned, this is the hardest productivity hack for me. I’ve never been an early riser, and that’s why I’m having major issues getting up at 6 am every morning. However, this doesn’t stop me from completing my daily goals.
I hope that one day I’ll make this part of my daily routine because I really think it’s one great way to accomplish your tasks earlier in the day.
- Wake up with a positive mindset
Unlike the first one, this one is my favorite productivity booster. Waking up with a positive mindset is so unbelievably crucial for a day filled with positive emotions and good energy!
When you open your eyes tomorrow morning, smile and say to yourself, ‘Today’s gonna be an awesome day!’. Thank me later.
- Prioritize your tasks
If you want to accomplish all of your tasks in time, you should prioritize those that are of the greatest importance and take more time than the rest of your daily goals. This is undoubtedly one of the most crucial productivity tips.
- Start a planner or a bullet journal
I’ve talked about the importance of having a planner in other blog posts of mine. If you write down your goals, this will help you be much more organized, and you’ll easily stick to your routine.
- Mark your success
After completing a goal, put a check next to it. This productivity hack will help you track your progress better and will keep you motivated.
- Turn off your phone
If your task doesn’t require your phone, put it away. If you keep it next to you all the time, it’ll be hard for you to resist checking out your Twitter or Instagram feed. As a result, you won’t be able to stay focused on your task.
- Let go of distractions
Similar to the productivity tip, listed above, you should let go of anything that messes up with your focus. Whether that’s your phone, the TV, other people, or your own thoughts, you should try and focus on your goal.
- Don’t check the time too often
Constantly checking the time will make you less productive since you won’t be able to focus on your task. So just stop looking at the time and do your job.
- Don’t do multiple tasks
Instead of doing ten things at a time and losing focus all the time, it’s much better to complete your tasks one by one. This way, you’ll concentrate on your tasks easily and will accomplish them in a shorter time.
- Use sticky notes
If you’re a person who constantly comes up with new ideas and often thinks of new goals, then you should definitely put a sticky note cube on your desk.
This way, you’ll always have something to write on, and you’ll be able to stick that piece of paper on a visible place as a reminder of what you need to do.
- Carry a notebook with you everywhere you go
Whether it’s your planner or a tiny notebook, you can fit in your purse, always have it with you. I know that you can type in your sudden ideas on your phone, but let’s be honest – we often forget that we even added a note. That’s why you need a notebook and a pen.
They’re easy to carry when you have a bag or a purse, and you’re much more likely to open it after getting home.
- Take breaks
This one is probably one of the most important productivity tips on this list. Many people think that if they don’t take breaks, they’ll complete their work faster. That’s not quite right, however.
If you don’t take breaks, your brain function slows down, and you can’t concentrate properly.
Of course, you’ll finish your task, but the final results will be much better if you give yourself breaks from time to time.
- Go somewhere where you can be alone
We tend to get easily distracted when there are other people around. That’s why I’d suggest you go to a place where you can be alone with your thoughts.
- Fulfill your tasks at a place where you feel good
If you want to be more productive, it’s important to work in a pleasant environment. Fulfilling your tasks somewhere you feel nice and calm is crucial.
For me personally, that would be the balcony or the garden. I just love working outside. This is one of the productivity hacks I find to work best for my concentration.
- Start working while you drink your coffee
This is one of those productivity tips that may sound strange to you, but trust me, it’s so effective! Many people choose to check what’s happening on social media while sipping on their morning coffee.
However, if you choose to work on your daily goals during that time, you’ll complete your tasks earlier in the day, and you’ll have even more time just for yourself.
- Don’t panic
Many people tend to lose their minds when they realize how much work needs to be done in just one day. That’s absolutely unnecessary. When you panic, you’re much more likely to start procrastinating.
Instead of wasting your time and energy, start working on your tasks one by one. You’ll be amazed at how much you can achieve in just one day.
- Don’t get discouraged
If you don’t succeed in completing your tasks for the day, don’t get discouraged. The next day is ahead of you. You’ll have plenty of time fulfilling your goals.
The world doesn’t end if you leave a task or two for tomorrow. After all, your health, both physical and mental, are the things that matter the most. Don’t neglect them.
- Don’t criticize yourself
If you set a goal that’s a bit more difficult and time-consuming, or it’s something you’ve never had to deal with before, you should accept the fact that it may take more than one try to succeed.
In such moments, you must be kind to yourself. Just take your time, don’t lose hope and motivation, and you’ll see how capable you actually are.
- Reward yourself
This is one of my favorite productivity tips because I often reward myself with food. What can I tell you, I really am a foodie!
- Work on tasks for the next day
If you happen to complete all of your daily tasks, but you feel like you can do so much more, don’t hesitate! You should take advantage of every second you feel productive to work on your goals.
You know that you’ve finally found an answer to the question ‘How to be productive?’ when you actually feel productive and manage to complete all of your tasks with ease.
- Plan your week ahead
If you plan your tasks for every day of the week, you’ll find it much easier to be consistent and organized. This way you’ll only have to spend an hour or two writing down your goals for the week, instead of sitting down every evening planning your next day.
- Have a day off
Having a day just for yourself is crucial. Spending a whole day doing all the things you love will help you relax, and you’ll be ready to crush the following day!
- Appreciate every little thing you do
This is one of the most important productivity tips ever. Whether it’s cleaning the apartment, cooking dinner, or completing that digital product you’ve been working on for ages, you should always be proud of yourself.
No matter how big or small your goal is, when you complete it, you should appreciate yourself for the efforts you’ve put into it. This will keep you motivated all the time.
- Believe you can
This is one of those productivity tips that can be considered an answer to the question ‘How to be productive?’. If you believe in yourself, you automatically become capable of achieving anything you want. Believe you can and you’re halfway there.
- Do things you love in your free time
Whether it’s writing, reading, playing computer games, try to always use your spare time to do the things you love the most.
- Prepare things in advance
This is one of those productivity hacks that just work wonders for me. Whenever possible, prepare some things in advance in order to have more time for your daily tasks.
For example, you can prepare your lunch for the next day. You can also do the laundry, or go grocery shopping. This way, you’ll have so much more time to work on your goals.
- Work out every day
I know that many of you will raise your eyebrows, but let me explain. We all know that working out is good for our health, but what does it have to do with productivity? A lot.
When you work out, you raise your energy levels, and you also fight stress and anxiety. Not only this, but exercise also improves your brain function! This being said, I think you’ll agree with me that a 20-minute workout will make you feel so much more productive, energized, and stress-free.
- Eat walnuts
Another one of my productivity tips is to eat a few walnuts every day. We all know the benefits of healthy fats, but not many people know that walnuts, in particular, improve your concentration and your memory.
- Drink tea
Drinking tea is not only pleasurable, but it’s also a great productivity booster. Different teas help you concentrate better and boost your energy levels. My favorite one is black tea, but I also enjoy sipping on ginger tea.
- Shift your mindset
Last but not least on my list of productivity tips is to shift your mindset. If you don’t believe in yourself, you’ll never be as productive as you want to be.
That’s why you need to learn to love yourself. The moment you believe you’re capable of anything, your life changes forever. And nothing in this world feels better than this.
Final Words
I really hope that you’ve found my fundamental productivity tips useful, and you’ve finally found answers to the question ‘How to be productive?’.
I hope that you’ll try out some of the productivity hacks listed above because they’re totally worth it, and will make you much more productive and organized.
I love being productive – makes me feel like I am doing something value-add to my life lol! Having the right mindset goes a long way, but also important to incorporate some resting in between where we don’t need to feel like we have to be productive during that time. Planning things out goes a long way!! I love making milestones. You feel good after accomplishing it!! I always work while drinking my coffee. Though sometimes I get carried away and take an hour to finish whoop. I am so big in preparing in advance!! Thanks for sharing these tips!
Nancy ✨ exquisitely.me
I love all of these! I’ve tried starting to work whilst I drink my coffee otherwise I end up getting stuck into something on TV 😂 I also think having a notebook/journal to get everything out your head is so helpful when you want to relax but your mind keeps going
Wow there are so many great tips here, I think you’ve thought of them all! I’m generally really productive most of the time and always feel like I can’t be resting and doing nothing, so I really liked your tips about resting and taking a break so you don’t run out of steam.
This is a great, exhaustive list! I didn’t know about the walnuts – I mean, I have walnuts every once in a while, but didn’t realise they could help with improving concentration as well!
Really great tips here
I drink my morning coffee whilst making notes as to how I am going to rock the day ahead.
Great post with very helpful tips! Thank you for these and the reminder that things don’t have to be overwhelming and to just focusing on one thing at a time. As a mom it’s difficult to remember this. I’m always being pulled away from what I’m doing then end up doing something else.
Thanks again
Great post!
Great tips! I will definitely be using them from now on!
Thanks for sharing 🙂
One thing I need to start doing is waking up earlier in the mornings, lockdown has made me sleep a lot more than I would have liked! These are great tips lovely x
Lucy | http://www.lucymary.co.uk
Such a good list of things! I agree with lots of them, especially starting a bullet journal – an absolute gamechanger in organisation! xx
Wow amazing collection, I love waking up
early. It helps so much…
I never really thought about it but I guess working while I’m drinking my coffee in the morning probably is a good way to pick up a few extra minutes of productivity time. I know that I usually work while I make my coffee but to work while I drink it is new.
I definitely feel better if I manage to fit a workout in during my mornings x
These are such great tips! I’ve been waking up a lot earlier lately and I can tell a huge difference in my productivity!
This is such an extensive list. I can relate to so many of these points that I practice but definitely some of them can help me productive and produce more content regularly for my blog. Thanks for sharing!
MagicandBliss | https://magicandbliss.com/
Excellent advice. A lot of people take pride in the ability to “multi-task”, but in reality, true multi-tasking leads to distraction and lower quality work. While you might get things done, they’re not receiving the attention they deserve.
If there’s anyone who needed to read this post, it’s definitely me haha. Sometimes I fall into a slump that can be quite hard to get out of and it includes losing productivity. I hate feeling that way, but when I do feel productive I absolutely don’t wanna lose that feeling because sometimes, as quick as it appeared, it’s gone just as fast, and I think these ideas really help for those of us who get a productive streak, but need help holding onto it. Thank you for sharing!
Such a great list of ideas to be super productive throughout the day/week/month.
I really like “mark your success” idea. I often do not do this, but being consistent in doing so can give me the boost to keep me motivated and productive.
Thank you for sharing.
Great tips! I really like waking up early at the weekend as it gives me more time to get through everything I want to do that day – workout, clean, blog, pin, etc. Glad to see drinking tea is on the list too, I drink so many cups a day!
So many great ideas here! I’m working on having days off in between productive days so I can recharge my batteries and it helps me be more motivated and productive the next day. I’m also not great at taking breaks in between tasks but I know it’s important! And I’m better in the mornings so getting up on time is a must!
Great tips!
Great post! Love how you’ve included such a broad range of tips, from nutrition to carrying a notebook (which is a must for me as well!)
Very good post it is a tough job staying positive at the moment the way 2020 has been. But guess we just have to stay postive.
Great list! My favorite tip is #4 because I think that my journal has been the key to my success since college. Everything I plan out for my future in my journal has a good chance of getting done and it is crazy to look back and see all the things that I’ve managed to accomplish. I use my journal for more than planning, sometimes I will even log old events to keep myself accountable as I work towards my goals!
Such brilliant advice and on a day where I really need it!
I have SO much to do today before we go on holiday tomorrow, it is my last normal day before I return back to work (After a weeks holiday) so I am hyper aware that I have a hell of a lot to do with my blog, the house, packing etc.
After reading this I am feeling more mentally prepared to take it all on.
Thank you
Some excellent tips here. I agree with you on waking up early in the morning. It’s when I am my most productive and creative.
Being productive during this current situation is really great! Listen to some relaxing music and have a coffee while working/blogging is my way to be more productive and stay focus 🙂 Thank you for these great tips! xxx
Great Post.
Productivity is one of the most critical factor in this competitive world.
And, to be productive you have to be positive in your thoughts.
Nice ideas 🙂
I always carry a notebook wherever I go. Because being a blogger, you never know where inspiration pops out.
One of the hardest things for me to do is stay away from distractions, including phone. I work from home, so distractions are everywhere. Thanks for these tips. #15 was abolutely new for me!
I’ve always wanted to use a bullet journal but I don’t think I am creative enough. I have certainly been turning my phone off more which has helped my mind be clear!
This is brilliant!!!
Im starting university in a month and for last month or so I’ve had terrible habits – staying up until 2am and sleeping in until midday, feeling tired and achy. I really need to kick this and get into a healthy routine before the studying begins. I’ve always been a terrible one for getting distracted by my phone and I’m an appalling clock watcher.
All the things in this post are commonsense but I found this this morning just at the right time. I’ve had a bit of a reality check!!!! 💗💗
These are great tips. Carrying a notebook and writing down your thoughts and to-do list really help me out personally.
I love this. I’m used to being a really productive person but I’ve definitely found the last few months that I’ve totally lost that. I’ve been trying to find ways to get it back and there are some great suggestions here – thanks for sharing!
At first when lock down started and I began working from home I had so much trouble taking breaks. I realized eventually that I am more focused when I take my breaks. Now, I shut down my computer and go for a stroll during my break time. You’re right it is so important to take breaks. Very informative post.
This is really helpful for people. I think the number one blocker for people is they get overwhelmed with how much there is to do. Each step you give here helps people develop real priorities and get things done one at a time.
I love this. I do the turn off your phone. As it’s an out of site out of mind type of thing for me. Great points you made though. Great tips .
Walnuts , i didn’t knew!! Yup i did found your post very useful..
Great article, totally what I wanted to find.
Great tips! love the drink tea part:) I find mindset to be such a huge part of being productive, If I start my day with a positive mindset then I am able to take on all my task and run through them. Thank you again for sharing these.
Great tips Thank you for sharing I just need to be consistent when it comes to working out daily.
These are great tips! The thing that makes me the most productive is my to-do list (I have a weekly and and a daily one). It’s great to see the progress I make and it motivates me to keep working.
All the best from South Africa, Michelle (michellesclutterbox.com)